Customer Service


The following email addresses are made available to serve you better:


Schools, Colleges and other educational institutions can placer orders by email, fax or phone using the information listed below. When ordering, please fill out one of our order forms and include your full address (including zip or postal code), telephone number and purchase order number. If different from your shipping address, please indicate your billing address also. For faster service, please indicate the following information on your order form: our model number or catalogue reference number, a brief description of the item, and the unit price.

Order via this website: This is probably the easiest way to place your order. Simply select the products you wish to order, add them to your cart and indicate which quantity of each you require. When done, follow the “Checkout” procedure.

Order by Phone: To ensure that your phone order is processed in a fast and efficient manner, we encourage you to prepare the following information before calling us at 1-800-561-8892: your purchase order number as well as our model number or catalogue reference number for each of the products you wish to order.

Order by email: Be sure to include all necessary information (listed above) and send your order to

Order by Fax: Be sure to fill-in your order form completely. Complete your form, or ours, and fax it to 1-800-561-8893.

Order by Mail: Be sure to fill-in your order form completely. Use our order form, your school letterhead, or your Purchase Order Form, and mail it to us at: Sigmatron Inc., 537 Lafleur Avenue, LaSalle (Quebec) Canada H8R 3J3.


Please call 1-800-561-8892 or fax 1-800-561-8893. Customer service representatives are available from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time Monday through Friday to answer your questions:

Technical Assistance: If you have questions regarding our products, or experience problems during their application, our technical support team will be happy to provide you with the necessary help and information.

Instructional Assistance: If you have questions concerning the realization of a particular experiment involving one or more of our products, our instructional support team will be more than happy to assist you in the process, step by step. This service is also offered by fax. All you have to do is send us a brief description of the proposed experiment and we will get back to you in the shortest possible delay.

Orders Follow-ups: Our friendly sales staff will be happy to provide you such details as the expected shipping date and/or the availability of the products you ordered.

Emergency Repairs: Whether the defective product is under guarantee or not, we offer a 48-hour repair service. Thus, if an unfortunate incident should occur, we guarantee that the repaired device will be shipped back to you within 48 hours from its reception. There is, however, a charge for this service.

Free Trial of Our Products: At our discretion, we sometimes allow clients to “test-drive” a given product before making the purchasing decision. This service allows you to thoroughly evaluate any one of our products without obligation. No charges will be billed to you, not even shipping costs, unless you decide to keep the goods. Please note that shipment of products back to our plant is the customer’s responsibility.

Focus Group If you would like to be involved in the design of our new products, we suggest that you become a member of our Focus Group. On a voluntary basis, the members of the Focus Group are given the opportunity to try our new products before they reach the market. Our members provide us with valuable comments and suggestions on our products, which allows us to modify and improve them before they become available to the public. For additional information on how to become a member of the Focus Group, please contact our Customer Service Department.